2011年4月20日 星期三

Apple sues Samsung for copying its innovation.

Relative article:

Apple Sues Samsung Over Galaxy Android Devices

Lawsuit can be download from Scribd

7 utility patent:
7,812,828(828 patent),
7,669,134(134 patent),
6,493,002(002 patent),
7,469,381(381 patent),
7,844,915(915 patent),
7,853,891(891 patent),
7,863,533(533 patent),

3 design patent:
D627,790(D790 patent),
D602,016(D016 patent),
D618,677(D677 patent)

Patent title:

828 patent: Ellipse Fitting For Multi-Touch Surfaces
134 patent: Method and Apparatus For Displaying Information During An Instant Messaging Session
002 patent: Method and Apparatus for Displaying and Accessing Control and Status Information in a Computer System
381 patent: List Scrolling and Document Translation, Scaling and Rotation on a Touch-Screen Display
915 patent: Application Programming Interfaces for Scrolling Operations
891 patent: Method and Apparatus for Displaying a Window for a User Interface
533 patent: Cantilevered Push Button Having Multiple Contacts and Fulcrums
D790 patent: Graphical User Interface For a Display Screen or Portion Thereof
D016 patent: Electronic Device
D677 patent: Electronic Device

